lundi 9 novembre 2009

M.Singh on his throne surrounded by phones.
We have stayed at Grewals farm two weeks. But the time has come for us to leave.

4 commentaires:

  1. hey margo!!! how are you!! i miss you soo much!! it looks like you trip is so much fun! i cant wait to hear all about your latest and greatest adventures from you! can we talk on the internet sometime? i hope you come woof in california next!! i love you lots and love for mat too!

  2. Ha! he's got all his technology in front of him! Must be a very important businessmann.

  3. Salut tout le monde ! ça doit être un drôle d'univers l'Inde ! Essayez d'apprendre à jouer de la cithare au passage, ou ramenez m'en une (si c'est pas trop encombrant bien sûr, lol !) Je vous embrasse tous les deux, faites gaffe à pas trop manger de haricots (ça doit ballonner à force !) Bye

  4. hey margo, came to check out your blog - nice :) good travels and take care!
